Real Estate Recruitment Fees

Retained Search

Retainer format – % of first year compensation, 1/3 up front with balance due 10 days after start, includes guarantee on candidate placed.

Contingency Search

Contingency format (on select searches) – % of first year compensation, full fee due 10 days after start, includes guarantee on candidate placed.

RecruitPlus Solution
Subscription-Based Recruitment (Site-Level)

RecruitPlus Solution, a Subscription-Based Recruitment model, helps organizations fill community/site-level property management roles at scale, reduce costs, and improve access to candidates in record time. The model’s fixed fee is typically billed at the corporate level and not at the property level by most organizations.

How it works:  H Two National and the Client agree on a subscription plan for a term of one year. The subscription amount is paid monthly and gives the Client 2, 4, or 6 search engagements per year, depending on the plan. Each search engagement produces a current and relevant Mini-Salary Survey that aids the Client in the preparation of a competitive compensation package, and there is a 6-Month Guarantee on candidates placed.


Fixed Fee

Corporate Fee vs. Property-Level Fee

Candidate Placement Guarantee

Mini-Salary Survey

Increased Access to Qualified Candidates

Fast – Recruiting commences immediately, same day of search engagement

Discount on higher-level searches

Partnership/Relationship with Industry Specific Executive Search Firm


Subscription 2.0 
– 2 Search Engagements per year
– 6-Month Guarantee on candidates placed
– Mini-Salary Survey on each search engagement
– Discount on other Client higher-level searches throughout the subscription plan year

Subscription 4.0
– 4 Search Engagements per year
– 6-Month Guarantee on candidates placed
– Mini-Salary Survey on each search engagement
– Discount on other Client higher-level searches throughout the subscription plan year

Subscription 6.0
– 6 Search Engagements per year
– 6-Month Guarantee on candidates placed
– Mini-Salary Survey on each search engagement
– Discount on other Client higher-level searches throughout the subscription plan year

            *Larger subscription plans are available upon request.

Contact Us For More Details

Additional Services / Flexibility 

We would be happy to speak with you further to discuss your specific needs and how we may accommodate you.

Please contact us with any questions or to learn of any other services that we offer.

Custom Mini-Salary Survey

Make an educated offer in your next hire!

Hiring and making a competitive offer, one that will attract the best talent is a challenge today.

We understand that it’s a tough market and ensuring that you are competitive in what you offer is key.

A mini-salary survey can be ordered individually, or a survey can performed when you engage H Two National to conduct a formal search. Either way, we speak to real estate professionals identical to the role that you are looking to fill, in the specific market/region that you are looking to hire. This survey will provide you with a more targeted compensation range that is current for today’s talent pool. Additionally, we can provide insight into how the compensation is structured and how much of the bonus and benefits play into the total package.

Custom Mini Salary Survey – $500

(Note: A mini-salary survey is part of every formal search that H Two National performs.)

Compensation Guide (Free)

Click Here To View Our 2024 Compensation Guide